Stories of Impact.
Elijah's Story.
CornerStone's Faith and Finances changed my life! Because of the program, I am now FREE from credit card debt! December marks four months since I last used my credit card.
When I first enrolled, I didn't have the discipline to seriously pay down debt. I was upset that I put myself in such financial distress. My ally in the program - Russ - was one of my biggest cheerleaders. He helped me think about money differently and always answered whenever I had a question. Super supportive from the jump!
Not only did I learn to budget and save, Russ taught me how to invest so I can make my money grow. His guidance over those 12 weeks gave me the support I needed, and he continues to encourage and guide me to this day. I am walking into the New Year DETERMINED to conquer all my debts - and have CornerStone and Russ to thank for getting me started on this journey.
Elijah Baker (Participant)
Tami's Story.
I’m a visual learner, so I loved the stories we shared about Eva and Isaac’s participation (Fictional characters). It let me know that God has me—even through my savings. By saving my receipts, I was able to realize how much I had spent that day or week. I can now set aside $50 every 2 weeks to save like Dick (my Ally) and I discussed! I am well on my way to saving for emergencies.
I am so thankful for Faith and Finances because I had to take out a title loan about 15 years ago. It was so hard to get out of that! I have also had to use “check cashing” services with HIGH interest. NEVER AGAIN with GOD OVER MY FINANCES!!!
I love Mrs. Shakira. She could relate with the class and share personal stories that were so helpful. Also, my Ally, Dick and I talked a lot about personal finances, and I am THANKFUL because he was concerned and cared!
Tami Jordan (Participant)
Cynthia's Story.
Faith & Finance was a life changing 12-week journey for me! For the first time in my life, I focused on how money correlates with God! In this safe setting, transparency allowed me to not only share my financial experiences but to hear others share their experiences as well. The Cornerstone Initiative was a blessing to me. I’m new in town and still navigating my newfound city that I now call home. The initial assessment made me aware just how lost and out of touch I was in my new city. Upon completion of the course I now have local connections, people I consider friends, reassured faith, and Huntsville now feels like home.
Debbie is heaven sent—to know her is to love her! From day one Tony set the perfect tone of what was yet to come. In my interview and assessment, there was a question that asked if I had any “talents or special abilities” and I couldn’t think of any that I possessed. Tony, not knowing anything about me, said, “I believe that you have many gifts!” I cried! Here was a stranger (now friend) thinking more of me than I thought of myself! The facilitators and allies were just as amazing!
Come see what amazing things The Cornerstone Initiative has to offer!
Cynthia Neal (Participant)
Michelle's Story.
When I was asked to be an Ally by our human resources director at work, I was a bit hesitant. Share my faith? You kidding me? Anyone who knows me from a small child knows I love the Lord and finance well…that is my day job. I prayed to God to give me an answer if this is what he wants me to do. The answer was loud and very clear, “I gave you these gifts for a reason go and spread the news.”
When I inquired, I discovered that the participants were made up of mostly single mothers struggling to make ends meet. I too was a single mother that struggled to make ends meet long ago. I was SOLD!
I met Debbi & Tony Akers at the first training session, and I saw the love in their hearts for God and I knew I was in the right place and doing exactly what I was called to do. I’m not sure how the ally and participant selection process was done, but clearly God was in that too. They paired me up with the exact person I needed to be paired up with. To say this class changed my life would be an understatement. I am honored to have been a small part of clearly an incredible organization at Cornerstone. I am a better person to have participated in the Faith & Finance class.
Michelle White (Ally)
Hannah's Story.
Faith and Finance became so much more to me than an opportunity to walk alongside Laura and help her understand how to navigate some of the financial obstacles that she is encountering. This program not only brought me a friend in Laura, but also a closer relationship with God. I don’t consider myself to be very religious but attending class each week really made me look at my relationship with God and see that I can serve him in ways outside of attending church (and that has become something that I feel more open to than ever before).
I see the value in learning from the stories in the Bible and applying the lessons that were learned in my own life. The leaders of this program were incredible, there really are no other words for them. Between Shakira and her ability to get the class energized and ready to have open discussions and Tony and Debbi being motivators to all the participants and allies— they truly inspired us all to navigate through this program as a family.
I have come to understand that CornerStone is much more than a nonprofit, it is a light for those in the dark, a place for those who are lost in their faith, and a community of humble servants of God who care so deeply for each other and are eager to help when life deals even the most difficult hand. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to have crossed paths with Debbi and Tony, and all the people whom I have had the pleasure of meeting through my involvement in the Faith and Finances program.
Hannah Gonzalez (Ally)