Prayer Calendar

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”

– Max Lucado

 1st           Pray for wisdom and discernment for the leadership and ministry of Cornerstone.

2nd          Pray for Cornerstone participants who are parenting children.

3rd           Pray for class participants who did not complete their courses.

4th           Pray for administrative support staff Janna Kucera.

5th           Pray for our Faith and Finances graduates to continue to work within their budgets.

6th           Pray for Cornerstone partner church Southwood Presbyterian.

7th           Pray for our Amplify mentors.

8th           Pray for Jobs for Life facilitator Julia Watkins.

9th           Pray for the Cornerstone Cornhole Tournament: Planning teams, sponsors, and players.

10th        Pray for Cornerstone partner church Trinity United Methodist.

11th        Pray for Cornerstone partner church Summit Crossing.

12th        Pray for our Faith and Finances facilitator, Shakira Ellis

13th        Pray for corporate donors who use their resources for Kingdom outcomes.

14th        Pray for Cornerstone monthly donors.

15th        Pray for Cornerstone Board members.

16th        Pray for past participants of Jobs for Life and Faith and Finances.

17th        Pray for Cornerstone executive director, Debbi Akers.

18th        Pray for Cornerstone participants to know the gospel.

19th         Pray for Cornerstone to faithfully pursue God’s vision.

20th        Pray for Cornerstone Board Chair, Terry Boyd.

21st         Pray for Cornerstone participants who struggle with addiction.

22nd        Pray for the Cornerstone Board of Influencers.

23rd        Pray for the Cornerstone Director of Initiatives Tony Akers.

24th        Pray for the Cornerstone Director of Community Care Amy Talton.

25th        Pray for fruitful fundraising.

26th        Pray for godly, wise volunteers to partner with us in ministry.

27th        Pray that Cornerstone ministry environments are welcoming and loving.

28th        Pray for participants who must move away from familiar, unhealthy friendships to pursue a better life.

29th        Pray for participants who are experiencing loneliness, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.

30th        Pray for additional partner churches to join us in ministry.

31st        Pray that disciples of Jesus are being made in and through our ministries.